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About Fourth Trimester Training

Kaela Redmond

Newborn Consultant

Now more than ever, the accessibility to resources is endless, which you would think would make it easier to prepare for your baby. However, it sometimes feels a bit overwhelming and for someone who doesn't know, it can be hard to determine which resource to follow if you find that some are conflicting. Not to mention, who has an abundance of extra time needed to read through material or attend classes?

That is why my approach is personalized for each family and each baby. This is not a one size fits all model. I take into account your learning style and your baby's response to the interventions we have put into place with the mindset that things are going to change as we move forward. I rely on your feedback of what's working and what daily challenges you are facing in order to make the most out of our time together. Ultimately, my goal is to give you the confidence to problem solve on your own.  

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What can I do for you?

Regardless of which service you are using, the input and guidance I provide heavily revolves around the four topics listed below. I believe those four items are the key to success and harmony for all parties involved.

1. Schedule:​

Putting in the time and effort from night one in the hospital to beyond is so important in order to set yourself up for future success. After our initial meeting, I provide you with a very detailed schedule that will make a lot more sense once your baby arrives. The explicit detail is provided not to overwhelm you, but to keep you prepared and organized. I rely heavily on a strict feeding schedule to ultimately lead to successful sleep habits. My schedules include but are not limited to feed times and amounts, nap times and lengths, waking hour activities for your baby and how to structure your day in order to maintain your personal daily activities.  


2. Safety: 

This area is so important and cannot be overlooked! It is imperative that you follow safe sleep guidelines and I will help you determine what is included there. This may be easier with certain product recommendations, which I will provide if necessary. Additionally, I assist with proper holding, feeding, and burping techniques, when and how to use a bulb syringe, and finally, carseat installation, loading and unloading. I touch on appropriate storage for formula and breastmilk as well as how to take care of a sick baby. 

3. Hygiene:

This is my favorite focus area because I LOVE bath time! I truly believe consistency in this area helps not only make this activity you and your baby's favorite part of the day, but also help lead to successful sleep overnight. I have so many tips and tricks for bath time, but other highlights in this category include nail clipping, skin care products and where they can be applied, cradle cap, eczema, diaper rash, eye drainage, umbilical cord care, circumcision care, breastfeeding momma's tips and tricks to prevent mastitis, best practice for cleaning breast pump/bottle parts and so on.  


4. Roles:

This area is where I want to make it clear that I am here for the entire family, not just mom and baby. When each individual feels supported, the unit as a whole can perform optimally. This is done through communication which I help facilitate prior to delivery. Certain topics should be discussed ahead of time to help prevent avoidable challenges or better prepare you for those challenges when you are sleep deprived and stressed out. This phase is all about adapting, not reacting and I am here to help you accomplish that! 

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